We were able to share about 300 kits to the people of Karouck and neighboring communities. They were really grateful since they received limited aid from the Haitian government.
We are still working to repair the school, well and the road in front of the school, so we are still looking for donations for the repairs and for suppling more kits.
Thank you for your support and generosity so far. We have been able to deliver 106 meal kits to families affected by the earthquake in the rural areas of Found Veillard, Soussainte, Sous-Morne, Grand-Lakou, Lot Bord Riviere Froide, Vilier and Perrien. We are planning to to deliver an additional 200 meal on Monday. We would like to continue giving kits to the communities most affected by the earthquake, and supply storages.
A $15 donation provides rice, beans, spaghetti, oil, milk, salmon, matches, water and soap for a family of 4 for one week. Help us go beyond our 500 kits goal, and donate today!
The city we support, Karouk, is not a major city. It is part of Anse-a-Veau area. Most of the students that attend Kindest Hearts Academy live in areas without drivable roads, electricity , or running water. The help that you may have seen on TV does not reach these remote parts of Haiti. Kindest Hearts is in a unique position to provide support to these more remote areas. Your continued support is appreciated.
As of now, there is no confirmation on what needs to be repaired on the school building. There is no structural damage to the clinic or the Mansion de Amis.
The water pump needs to be fixed. Unfortunately the company that services the water pump, is based in Les Cayes, one of the hardest hit cities. They are unable to make contact with anyone.
One of our staff members, who lives in Miragoane, a city not affected by the earthquake, took the initiative along with some friends to donate water, diapers and other necessities to the people of Karouk and surrounding areas. We were also able to distribute 15 comforters and sheets (which we had in storage) to many grateful families. We are planning to make meal kits with rice, beans, water and oil too. We are continuing to work with our local staff to fill the most needs.The principal of our school has tried to reach out to the students and their families, in order to get a better understanding of what the needs of the community are and their overall well being.
The needs have been expressed as a range of food, water and building supplies, which your donates will help purchase and distribute.
At this time, we are only accepting financial donations, as we do not have a way of shipping supplies at this time.
The community is working together to help find as many people as possible. We will provide more updates, as more news comes in.
Your outpouring of support has been heartwarming. Internet connection is very spotty in Haiti, so updates are slow.
This is the latest as of yesterday from Department of Nippes and the city of Anse-a-Veau, where Karouk is located.
7 DeceasedUnknown number of injured
50 houses destroyed
70 houses are damaged
123 homeless families
Kindest Hearts continues to support the community with all of its resources. We are very grateful for our staff in Haiti and all the families in Karouk. We continue to pray for everyone 's safety.
Your tax-deductible donations are making a difference. Thank you for all those who have already generously given. Thank you for giving your kindest hearts.Updates will be posted as received. God bless you.